Testimonial about the refuge from a woman about to start her new life.
We advise that women, and their children, stay with us for around six months. This is the perfect amount of time for them to find who they are again and learn how to live a new life as a strong woman. In this time we provide therapeutic support and help them through any legal proceedings they may encounter. We then help to find new housing at the end of their stay so they can live safely and comfortably outside of the refuge.
We really try to support all the women in as many ways as possible. One of our women sent this message to a staff member at I Choose Freedom:
"Being here in the refuge has taught me that there is so much love in humanity and if we could be as kind to each other as the refuge has been to us, then the world could be a better place.
I am leaving here a different woman who is full of confidence because my out look on life has immensely changed. The refuge has been kind to us and I have learnt that it is not because of the colour of my skin but because I am human and I needed help in my time of need. I did not have to wait for someone to get me help, I just needed to speak.
You have planted a seed in my heart that will grow and spread for years to come.
Thank you for holding my hand and being my light through the storm. I have come out stronger and much more determined to face the next chapter of my life.
Keep lighting other women's candles by holding yours high. We all need the light at some point.
With love and gratitude"
This makes everyone at I Choose Freedom feel so appreciated and proud of the work we do. We aim to keep all our women safe and help them start a new life. This message reminds us through love and kindness anything is possible.